Leading with Love

Leading With Love Banner President's Day Valentine's Day February
Despite its status as the shortest month, February is arguably one of the densest. In Ancient Rome, farmers devoted the month to purging the fields in preparation of imminent spring sowing. In the modern era, it plays host to a number of regional and international observances, many related to the persistent themes of love and leadership in one form or another. Nowhere are these themes more prominent than in the United States, which celebrates both Valentine’s and President’s Day. More than mere coincidence, this suggests that by exercising love and leadership, we can all thrive come spring.
Like many NGO’s, Embrace Relief inspires its supporters to lead with love by engaging in its Chapter Projects. Though accomplished on the organization’s behalf, these projects hinge entirely on the initiative and compassion of independent groups. Largely composed of fundraising drives, projects include water well construction, orphanage or school renovations, collection of school supplies, healthcare services and more. For those who desire direct involvement, Embrace Relief can facilitate visiting volunteer activities to benefit orphans, such as organizing anything from a movie night to a party replete with face painting, balloon animals, puppet shows, clowns and games.

Much in the same way February encompassed clearing the fields of debris, these opportunities, which blend the month’s chief holidays, symbolize the metaphorical purging of obstacles toward the blooming of compassion for our fellow humans and confidence in our own abilities to help those in need. We hope you will join us in leading with love and making the most of this year.
To learn more about Embrace Relief’s Chapter Projects, click here.