As the new school year approaches, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about creative ways to fundraise for school projects, supplies, and activities. Here are five back-to-school fundraising ideas that can help make a big impact on your school community:

1. School Supply Drive

Organize a school supply drive where students, parents, and community members can donate new or gently used school supplies. Set up collection bins at local businesses, community centers, and the school itself. Once collected, the supplies can be distributed to students in need, ensuring everyone has the tools they need to succeed.

2. Bake Sale

A classic fundraising event, bake sales are always a hit. Encourage students, parents, and teachers to bake their favorite treats and sell them at a school event or a local market. This not only raises funds but also brings the community together over delicious homemade goodies.

3. Car Wash

Host a car wash in the school parking lot or a nearby location. Students can volunteer to wash cars for a donation. Promote the event through social media, flyers, and word of mouth to attract as many customers as possible. It’s a fun way for students to work together and raise money for a good cause.

Embrace Relief 5 Ideas For Back-To-School Fundraising

4. Silent Auction

Organize a silent auction where items or services donated by local businesses, parents, and teachers are bid on by attendees. Items can include gift baskets, handmade crafts, and gift certificates. This event can be held during a school open house, parent-teacher night, or community event.

5. Embrace Relief’s Group Fundraising Program

One of the most impactful ways to raise funds is through Embrace Relief’s Group Fundraising Program. This program not only allows you to raise funds for a specific project but also gives participants the unique opportunity to travel to the country where their project will be implemented. For example, students and teachers can travel to a school in Africa where their fundraising efforts helped build a water well, providing firsthand insight into the difference they’ve made.

Embrace Relief Back to School Fundraising

How to Create a Group Fundraising Project with Embrace Relief:

  1. Choose a Project: Select a humanitarian project that resonates with your group’s values and goals. This could be anything from building a water well, supporting educational initiatives, or providing medical supplies. Then, fill out an application on our Group Fundraising page that explains which project(s) you’d like to include in your Group Fundraiser..
  2. Set Up Your Fundraising Page: Once your application is approved, you will receive a personalized fundraising page on the Embrace Relief website. Include details about your project, fundraising goals, and why it’s important to you.
  3. Promote Your Campaign: Use social media, emails, and community events to spread the word about your fundraising campaign. Encourage friends, family, and community members to donate.
  4. Track Your Progress: Monitor your fundraising progress through your Embrace Relief account. Keep your supporters updated on your progress and any milestones achieved.
  5. Experience the Impact: Once your fundraising goal is met, plan your trip with Embrace Relief to see the project come to life. This immersive experience will not only highlight the impact of your efforts but also inspire continued support and involvement.

By incorporating these back-to-school fundraising ideas, you can make a significant difference in your school and beyond. Fundraising with Embrace Relief, in particular, provides a meaningful and educational experience that extends far beyond monetary contributions. Together, we can create lasting change and support communities in need.