Embrace Relief is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization which collaborates with volunteers to deliver humanitarian aid and disaster relief to vulnerable communities around the world.
Our teams offer relief in the form of:
Financial Support
Emotional Support
Physical Support
in order to meet the needs of people ravaged by disaster and other misfortune. The foundation collects and distributes supplies to families, individuals and institutions.
When you or your organization partner with Embrace Relief, you join our mission of alleviating suffering and promoting human development throughout the world. With our diverse array of humanitarian programs and ability to reach every corner of the globe, we can ensure your support will reach people in need.
Delivering research-based, sustainable solutions to achieve immediate and lasting improvements in situations of humanitarian emergency and improving the quality of life of individuals and communities enduring chronic hardships.
Driven by a strong belief in the power of comprehensive development, Embrace Relief is committed to creating a lasting impact in the lives of individuals locally and globally. We implement research-based programs to achieve measurable, sustainable improvements in the lives of those in need. By constantly using research and closely engaging with those we serve, our innovative approach ensures we deliver the most beneficial services.
Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine. Without it, there cannot be life. That people live in environments without clean water to drink, wash, cook, irrigate crops–and even for children to play in–is a hardship no one deserves but a reality for too many. Opening a water well truly changes and saves lives. Together we can do our part to end the clean water crisis and change the future of a community of people–mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, the elderly, infants, and the infirm. Let’s do our part to save a life today.
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