Canlilar Family Water Well

Code Country Town/Village Inauguration Depth Serving
W18007 Nigeria Firsnari 05.30.2018 45m / 148ft 2,000 people
As Muslims, every year we are required to fast during Ramadan in part to understand the pain that so many suffer everyday around the globe. After experiencing this pain it is impossible not to feel gratitude for the blessing of having unlimited clean, running water at our disposal everyday of the year. Alhamdullilah our family has never had to suffer the pain of thirst and hunger unwillingly, but since we understand this pain, we feel not only obligated as Muslims, but honored as humans to help our brothers and sisters across the globe to have the same access we do to fresh, clean water everyday. We hope this well will bring relief to many regardless of their religious affiliation. For these reasons, The Canlilar Family donates this water well in the name of Allah swt.

Donate For Clean Water Ramadan 2025

Embrace Relief's aims to build 15 water wells during the holy month, providing communities with the safe drinking water they need.

International Hunger Relief Clean Water