Cure Cataracts

What is a cataract?

A cataract is a progressive eye disease that causes blurry vision and eventually complete blindness if not treated.
    Cataract is preventable and treatable, yet it is the leading cause of blindness in Africa, due to:
  • Extreme heat
  • Excessive dust
  • Intense labor
  • Malnutrition

The Effects of Vision Impairment on Children and Adults

There are more than 2.2 million people who are visually impaired in Mali


Developmental delays:

  • Motor
  • Cognitive
  • Language
  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Academic
  • Physical
  • Social isolation
  • Low school attendance


  • Low workforce participation
  • Increased social isolation
  • Increased anxiety and depression
  • More prone to falls and fractures
  • Greater likelihood of early on-set dementia or Alzheimers

Our Approach

No one should live in darkness because of a curable disease. This is why Embrace Relief’s medical clinics provide free cataract surgeries to people suffering from treatable blindness in Mali.

A $100 donation includes

  • Pre-operation health checkup
  • Consultation
  • Cataract surgery for one eye
  • Patients receive free food and water on day of operation
  • Post-operation checkup
  • Health checkups for 15 other people

You will receive a Cataract Surgery Certificate with your name and the name and a picture of the person whose surgery you sponsored. Help Cure Cataracts in Africa!

Our Impact

Since 2013, the clinics have completed over 40,500 cataract surgeries, conducted over 597,000 health screenings, and trained dozens of local Malian staff along the way.

40,500+ Cataract Surgeries

607,500 Health Screenings

Our Other Projects

Mali Medical Center

Healthcare is a basic human right. Check out the three medical centers we support in Bamako, Mali. Learn More

Health Check Ups

Millions suffer in isolated darkness due to cataracts. Give someone the miraculous gift of sight with a cataract surgery. Learn More