Earthquake in Haiti
Embrace Relief sent 119 volunteers to help the victims of earthquake in Haiti. Embrace Relief was the first organization to distribute food after earthquake. Volunteers distributed hot meals to 1000 people each 30 days. The volunteers also distributed tents, tents, blankets and clothes. Because many people were left homeless, volunteers set up tent as housing. 15 doctors attended this vital campaign and gave medical help to the injured.
Embrace relief strongly believes that the impact moment is the time when the help is most needed. In order to help people in need for a long duration of time, futuristic projects should be brought to life. Therefore, embrace relief and Kimse Yok Mu are building a medical clinic in Port-au-Prince, the Capital city of Haiti. The clinic is planned to be operation in 2014.
Food Donation
In 2013, Embrace Relief has distributed more 42,000 lbs of food in Haiti.
School Supplies
Embrace Relief donated school supplies to 350 orphans in Haiti on December 15, 2013. The supplies contained everything the students needed. The HAC compound Croix des Bouquets currently provides education to these orphan students. Our volunteers delivered the supplies to the school and planned activities for the students.
Water Well
Embrace Relief initiated “Water Wells” campaign to ease the difficulty of obtaining drinking water in Haiti. We started the water wells campaign in May 2013.