Every day, millions of vulnerable orphans are prone to the cruel madness of this world. Being the hope for the future, they deserve a safe and sound childhood that can prepare them for adulthood. Yet unfortunately, many orphans in Kenya are left to fend for themselves, facing great difficulties in their daily lives such as finding food, water, and shelter. Absolutely no child should be worried about these basic necessities and rights of life. Embrace Relief, along with our partners from Lehigh Dialogue Center and Insight Foundation, are providing support for Orphanage Project in Kenya to renovate their facilities to improve functionality and comfort.
Donate for EPA & SJ 2020 Summer Kenya Orphanage Project Group Fundraiser

EPA & SJ 2020 Summer Kenya Orphanage Project Group Fundraiser

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Donate for EPA & SJ 2020 Summer Kenya Orphanage Project Group Fundraiser

EPA & SJ 2020 Summer Kenya Orphanage Project Group Fundraiser

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