Help Famine in Africa

There are more than 360,000 Somalian refugees staying in the world’s largest refugee camp (Dadaab Camp) near Kenya. The only hope of survival is the food and water at the refugee camp which is only enough for one out of the day four refugees. Without help from outside, the survival rate will keep decreasing because of increase in refugees. According to UN report, two million children are undernourished. In order for them to survive, support is urgently needed. Refugees are walking for days to reach Ethiopia and typically anly 1 or 2 children from a family of 4 can reach the camps. Embrace Relief distributed 80 Lbs food packages to more than 2000 Somalian refugee families in Kenya 2011 and 2012.  

Donate For Ramadan 2025

Embrace Relief aims to provide 100,000 people with nutritious food during our International Hunger Relief: Ramadan 2025 campaign.
