
  • During the summer, drinking extra water while engaged in outdoor activity is critical to avoid dehydration and overheating. Learn how much extra water you should intake if you’re outdoors in the heat.
  • Learn about the most helpful beverages to drink during the hot summer months to keep your body balanced and hydrated.
  • Then, learn how Embrace Relief is helping hundreds of thousands of people in Africa get the water they need to stay healthy – and how you can help.

Staying Healthy and Hydrated in the Summer Heat

Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal health, especially during the summer. In average temperatures, the average person should drink between 60 and 70 ounces of water (about eight glasses) in order to stay hydrated.

But it’s important to understand that when temperatures rise, our bodies lose more water through sweat, necessitating increased fluid intake. So how much water should you drink when it’s hot outside? Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you stay properly hydrated.

Understanding Your Hydration Needs

1. Your Activity Level Matters

Summer heat can affect many people who work outdoors or in non-air conditioned environments, or who are active and exercising outdoors outside of work. If this applies to you, then you should make sure to take precautions to ensure that your body stays healthy and hydrated.

A good rule of thumb for people who are active in hot weather is to drink approximately 8 ounces of fluid for every 15-20 minutes they are active. This will help you replace the fluid you are sweating out, maintaining the proper functioning of your body. Almost any kind of drink will be helpful, though to ensure your body’s peak performance in hot weather, try to include liquids that contain electrolytes, such as sports drinks like Gatorade, or coconut water. Drinks containing sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes can help maintain balance and prevent dehydration.

While your body’s thirst mechanism is usually a reliable indicator of your hydration needs, an active person in intense heat is losing fluid at a much higher rate than normal. So if you are working or exercising outdoors during the summer, don’t wait until you’re parched to take a sip – hydrate consistently.

2. Know What Your Body Needs

While “8 ounces per 20 minutes of outdoor activity” is a good rule of thumb for your hydration, it’s also important to understand that everyone’s body is different. You may sweat more or less than the average person; your diet may include more foods with higher water content (such as fruits, vegetables and melons) than others; if you are a young child or an older adult, you might be more susceptible to dehydration; likewise, if you are pregnant or have a medical condition like diabetes or kidney issues, you may need to hydrate more than the average person.

Moreover, the specific weather conditions matter, as well. Your body will produce more sweat in hotter temperatures, meaning you will need to up your hydration intake to replace that sweat. If the humidity is high, the moisture in the air will make it more difficult for your sweat to evaporate, and more hydration will be necessary to cool your body down.

Understanding your own body’s needs is critical for staying healthy during the hot summer months. Indicators like the color of your urine can help gauge hydration levels: pale yellow is a good sign, while darker urine indicates a need for more fluids.

3. Practical Hydration Tips for Hot Weather

  • Drink at regular intervals: Aim to drink water regularly throughout the day rather than consuming large amounts at once. Carry a reusable water bottle and take sips every 15-20 minutes.
  • Opt for Electrolyte-Rich Drinks: In terms of maintaining your hydration, there’s nothing wrong with drinking water (or decaffeinated tea and coffee, or fruit juice) throughout the day. But for best results, try to mix in drinks containing sodium, potassium and electrolytes to maintain balance. Studies show that these liquids, like sports drinks and coconut water, keep you better hydrated.
  • Avoid Excess Caffeine: Drinking an iced coffee on a hot day isn’t bad for your hydration by any means. But you may want to consider decaffeinated coffee to avoid caffeine’s diuretic effects – drinking lots of regular coffee will encourage your body to produce more urine, and you will need to replenish more fluids with other types of hydration.
  • Avoid Alcoholic Beverages: Like with caffeine, alcoholic beverages also have diuretic properties. Moreover, drinking alcohol also makes it more difficult for your body to maintain a healthy core temperature. It should be avoided if you are active outdoors in hot weather.
  • Eat Hydrating Foods: Fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber, and strawberries have high water content and can contribute to your overall fluid intake. Incorporating these into your diet can help you stay hydrated.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain optimal hydration levels and keep your body functioning smoothly, even in the heat. Stay hydrated and enjoy your summer!

Build A Water Well With Embrace Relief and help our friends in Africa have the water they need

Having enough water to stay healthy and hydrated during the summer is critical for everyone, no matter where they live. But unfortunately, tens of millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa lack an adequate amount of clean, drinkable water to live safe, healthy lives.

Embrace Relief is working to change that through our Clean Water Initiative, which builds water wells throughout the continent and makes a transformative impact on entire communities’ health, happiness, and prosperity.

To date, more than 900 Embrace Relief wells are providing more than 950,000 people in Africa with safe, clean drinking water. And it’s all thanks to the generosity of people like you, who are aiming to help those in need and leave a legacy for years to come.

Click here to learn more about how you can build and name your very own water well in Africa. Donation costs start as low as $1,500, but the impact that you will make will be priceless!

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* $1,500 will ensure the reconstruction of a water well – in your name (or any name you wish!) in Africa. *
