Living For Others

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cataract is the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment in the world (47.9%). Cataract accounts for 30%–50% of blindness in most African and Asia countries. Approximately half the blindness in Africa is due to cataract. The prevalence of blinding bilateral cataract in Africa is estimated to be around 0.5%. Cataracts occur earlier in life in developing countries and in rural areas, and the incidence is higher.
This is why we want to start our Group FUNdraiser “Living For Others” because we want to give the gift of sight to these people in need so they can live their life successfully and so that they can see their loved ones. In addition, this can also change their lives forever because we can help them thrive even more in their communities and be able to finally contribute to the society.
You can help us give the gift of sight today by donating to our group FUNdraiser TODAY!