
  • NOICA Youth embarked on a humanitarian trip to Tanzania with Embrace Relief.
  • The group raised funds to open a new water well and provide food packages to local communities.
  • The trip offered firsthand insight into the impact of their donations, including the significant role of clean water in daily life.
  • Group members shared emotional encounters and cultural exchanges that transcended language barriers.

In a heartfelt journey of service and compassion, NOICA Youth partnered with Embrace Relief for a humanitarian trip to Tanzania through our Group Fundraising Program. Their mission was to bring clean water and essential food supplies to those in need, directly witnessing the transformative power of their contributions.

Do Good for the Community

NOICA Youth, a group of university students, successfully raised more than $12,000 to support their humanitarian goals through our Group Fundraising program. As part of our Group Fundraising program, the NOICA Youth group was able to join Embrace Relief on a humanitarian trip to Tanzania to see firsthand the impact of their donations. Embrace Relief prepared the group’s itinerary in Tanzania from transportation, accommodation, cultural immersion, etc. The group’s efforts culminated in opening a new water well in a Tanzanian village and providing food packages to local residents. This well would ensure a consistent and safe water supply, drastically improving daily life for the villagers.

A Journey of Impact

The team experienced the profound impact of their donations firsthand. Seeing the gratitude in the eyes of those they helped, they understood the vital importance of their contributions. The new water well, in particular, was a significant achievement, offering clean water to a community that previously had to travel great distances for this basic necessity.

Emotional Moments and Cultural Exchanges

The trip was filled with emotional and eye-opening moments. One group member recounted a touching interaction with a local woman. Despite the language barrier, they communicated in a way that transcended words, highlighting the universal language of kindness and understanding.

Seeing the women of the village carry water-filled buckets on their heads was a striking visual reminder of the hardships faced daily. While photos had prepared them to some extent, witnessing this in person was profoundly impactful.

A Call to Action

The NOICA Youth group highly recommends participating in a humanitarian trip with Embrace Relief. One of their members said, “Go for it! It’s important and everyone should do it. It puts your life into perspective knowing what you should be grateful for and I think it’s all of our jobs to help other people.” The experience provides a valuable perspective on the privileges often taken for granted and emphasizes the responsibility to help others. By joining such initiatives, individuals can make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need and cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and empathy.

Emotional Moments and Cultural Exchanges


The humanitarian trip to Tanzania was more than an act of charity; it was a journey of learning, connection, and transformation. NOICA Youth returned with a renewed commitment to service, inspired by the resilience and gratitude of the people they met. Their experience underscores the power of community and the importance of global citizenship.

To start your own Group Fundraising project, you can click here and fill up the application form with the necessary details and information, and our Group Fundraising Coordinator will contact you and send you your live webpage on Embrace Relief’s website so you can share it with your family, friends, colleagues and community and start your fundraiser!