US Hunger Relief: Hunger in America

The state of hunger in America has been especially poor recently, and COVID-19 is only making it worse, leading to more people facing hunger and potential homelessness daily. Plus, the situation is only bound to increase as colder weather continues to approach. Below we take a look at how hunger is impacting America at the moment.

Hunger Statistics in America 2021 and looking into 2022

  • According to the USDA, more than 38 million people, including 12 million children, are currently food insecure.
  • Families face hunger in every community in the country, especially rural ones. In fact, 15% of people in rural areas are hungry because they often don’t have access to grocery stores or transportation.
  • Contrary to popular belief, food insecure people are more prone to obesity. Limited transportation and lack of nearby grocery stores force many to shop at places that sell mostly packaged and prepared foods that are higher in calories, but lower in nutrition.
  • Many households experiencing food insecurity don’t qualify for federal nutrition programs, so they have no other option but to visit local food banks and other programs for support.
  • African American, Latino, and Native American communities suffer higher rates of hunger due to systemic racism.
  • According to a new study published by Temple University and the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, a staggering 36 percent of college students are food insecure. It’s more prevalent among college students of color—up to 57%.
  • 60% of households led by older Americans must choose between buying groceries or paying utility bills.

How Embrace Relief is Helping Stave Off Hunger in the US

This past year, we reached 320 families in Orange, East Orange, Hackensack, and Montclair, New Jersey with Harvest Trolley, our mobile market. Harvest Trolley is a unique, brand-new venue in which we literally bring a “supermarket” directly to people facing hunger, regardless of race, age, or sex. Also, in 2020, we distributed roughly 5,000 food packages to families in the US, but there are still so many more who need help! So, please donate today to help supply food to thousands more people struggling to put food on the table. That’s part of our Year-End Resolutions, anyway.

About Our Year-End Resolutions

A take on New Year’s Resolutions, our Year-End Resolutions is something you can do—right here, right now—that will have an impact before the year is officially over. For example, contributing to one of Embrace Relief’s many humanitarian causes (check them all out here). And the best thing is—by doing so, you’ll officially make 2021 a great year. Not just for yourself, but for people who need support but have nowhere and no one to turn to, because we provide them the resources needed to change and save lives. Happy Year-End!

Donate For Ramadan 2025

Embrace Relief aims to provide 100,000 people with nutritious food during our International Hunger Relief: Ramadan 2025 campaign.
